Beijing reported 27 new domestically transmitted cases on Tuesday, bringing the total number of new cases since Thursday to 106.
The city detected one COVID-19 case at a vegetable market in Xicheng District on Sunday. The district has since implemented lockdown measures at the affected location. A total of 62 individuals linked to the market were put under quarantine and tested for coronavirus. All results have come back negative. In a press briefing on Tuesday, city officials asked all those who visited the vegetable market since May 30 to report to their communities and self-quarantine at home.北京市市场监管局相关负责人介绍,截至16日6时,北京市共消杀农贸市场276家,关闭地下半地下农贸市场11家,完成餐饮服务单位消杀33173家。全市农贸市场和餐饮服务单位基本营业正常。预计今6月17日完成全部餐饮服务单位的消杀工作。As of Tuesday morning, the city has disinfected 276 farm produce markets and 33,173 catering businesses. A total of 11 underground and semi-underground markets have also been shuttered. Officials expect to complete disinfection for all catering service units in the city by the end of the day Tuesday.昨天(15日)下午,北京新冠肺炎疫情防控工作领导小组第六十九次会议暨首都严格进京管理联防联控协调机制第三十次会议召开。
—我市发生新发地批发市场聚集性疫情,防控形势十分严峻,我们要强化底线思维,背水一战,把疫情防控作为当前最重要、最紧迫的任务来抓。—要抓住新发地批发市场这个重中之重。对曾进出新发地批发市场的人员尽快核酸检测并医学观察,做到全覆盖、不遗漏。—要严格重点部位和重点人员管控。严控高风险人员离京,已经出京的要及时通报当地,防止疫情扩散。—要全力做好市场保供稳价。加强调度,及时组织货源,加大二级市场、社区菜市场补货力度。各区、市场主管部门和经营管理方都要负起各自责任,加大监管力度,对借疫情哄抬物价的要露头就打。Beijing is in a critical situation with coronavirus prevention following the fresh cluster of infections linked to its Xinfadi wholesale market, said Cai Qi, secretary of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), on Monday.While hosting a meeting with officials from the Chinese capital and National Health Commission, Cai said epidemic prevention and control has to be the top priority and the most urgent task for the city.He emphasized the importance of thorough nucleic acid testing for all individuals who had been to the Xinfadi market and stall owners at markets across the city.Beijing will also restrict those with a higher risk of contracting the virus from leaving the city, and inform destination cities if such cases have already occurred, according to Cai.The city will guarantee market supplies to meet residents' daily needs and maintain the stability of prices, he said. Business owners who engage in price gouging will be penalized.15日,中国疾病预防控制中心流行病学首席专家吴尊友接受CGTN专访,针对北京疫情焦点问题进行了解答:北京这次发现的新冠病毒毒株是欧洲流行的主要毒株,和数月前出现在中国的新冠病毒毒株不一样。但这并不代表病毒一定来自欧洲的国家,像美国、俄罗斯等国流行的也是主要以欧洲毒株为主,所以只能说病毒来自国外,但来自于哪个国家还不确定。
"Virus strain (recently detected in Beijing) is a major epidemic strain in European countries. So, it is from outside of China."
新发地市场和武汉华南海鲜市场存在一定的相似性:都是阴冷潮湿的地方。病毒在这种环境中或可长时间生存,但病毒在其中的传播规律仍待研究分析。“That environment, particularly the cold, wet environment may be able to keep the virus survive for a long time.”
北京居民仍需采取相关防疫措施,包括在密闭空间戴口罩、勤洗手、少聚集、保持社交距离等等。除此之外,大家可以正常过日子。“People in Beijing still need to be cautious to take preventive measures, that include wearing masks in the closed setting, hand washing, reducing gathering and keeping social distance.”